What kind of coaching method do you use� ‬What do you specialize in�‬
Do I need to know what I want to work on� ‬Do I need to have a specific goal�‬
I have anxietyâ€, ‬is this something you can help me withâ€?‬
I’ve been diagnosed with depressionâ€, ‬can I still come to you for coachingâ€?‬
What is Strategic Intervention†‬&†‬what does that mean for our coaching together�‬
What kind of coaching method do you†use? ‬What do you specialize in�‬
My coaching is "YOUlistic"â€. (‬Nopeâ€, ‬that’s not a typoâ€). With my approach we work together from every angle and leave no stone left unturned to help you reach your goalsâ€. ‬
You’re not an island and neither is one area of your lifeâ€, ‬so I work from the perspective that your lifestyleâ€, ‬relationshipsâ€, ‬healthâ€, ‬and work all affect your happinessâ€. ‬We’ll work to improve all of these areasâ€, ‬starting with you and how you experience themâ€. ‬Thenâ€, ‬the ripple effect starts to manifestâ€.‬
I specialize in helping you embrace your authentic self and be truer to yourself every dayâ€. ‬I believe that self-care is something that everyone needs to be happy and healthy and it doesn’t just mean yoga and eating healthyâ€. ‬Self-care and mindful living is what gives your life meaningâ€, ‬allows you to feel joy in your life and supports continuous growthâ€. ‬This is what YOUlistic coaching meansâ€.‬
What kind of clients do you serve�‬
My clients are incredible human beings who know they could feel more happyâ€, ‬satisfiedâ€, ‬vibrantâ€, ‬productive and self-lovingâ€. ‬Most†‬of my clients are women millennials or in their early 30’sâ€. ‬Half†‬of my clients are solopreneurs or small business ownersâ€. ‬
Do I need to know what I want to work on� ‬Do I need to have a specific goal�‬
Absolutely notâ€. Half†‬of my clients come to our first meeting without a specific goal in mindâ€, ‬they have a feeling that coaching could help them feel betterâ€. ‬By the end of your discovery sessionâ€, ‬we create a visionâ€. ‬The vision could have very specific actionâ€-‬oriented goals or be based on how you want to feel about yourselfâ€, ‬certain relationships or to gain clarity on a specific area of your lifeâ€. ‬
I will teach you strategies to accomplish your goalsâ€, ‬whether micro or macroâ€, ‬short-term or long termâ€. ‬Everything from communication skillsâ€, ‬to meditation and mindfulnessâ€, ‬to time-managementâ€, ‬to interrupting unwanted patterns and habitsâ€. ‬
What can you help me with� ‬
Check this page out and if you still have questionsâ€, ‬here are some common coaching topicsâ€:‬
Communication Skills†‬&†‬Conflict Resolution
Organization and Time Management
Datingâ€, ‬Sex and Intimate Relationships
Stress†‬&†‬Anxiety Management
Family Conflict
Goal Setting†‬&†‬Career Direction
Body Image
Self-Esteem and Confidence
Being Independent†(‬Emotionallyâ€, ‬Mentally†‬&†‬Financiallyâ€)‬
What can’t you help me withâ€? ‬
The only requirement for being coached is that you are mentally stableâ€. ‬If I feel that you would be better served by another health professional I will say soâ€. ‬Otherwiseâ€, ‬the best thing to do is apply for a free discovery call here and†‬ask me specifically about you’d like to work onâ€. ‬
I have anxietyâ€, ‬is this something you can help me withâ€?‬
Yesâ€, ‬many of my clients suffer from general anxiety†(‬anxiety attacksâ€) ‬or social anxietyâ€. ‬I suffered from anxiety for 10†‬years and through changes in my lifestyleâ€, ‬eating habits and personal development practices I no longer deal with this extreme form of worry and stressâ€. ‬
I’ve been diagnosed with depressionâ€, ‬can I still come to you for coachingâ€?‬
Coaching can be a great complement to psychotherapyâ€. ‬In order to benefit from coachingâ€, ‬you do need to be mentally stable and functioningâ€. ‬I will not discredit your diagnosis but you should know that my beliefs about depression are alternative and I believe there are many things that you can do to relieve yourself of depression related symptomsâ€.‬
I’m singleâ€, ‬but I am looking for†‬‘the one’†‬is this something you can help me withâ€? ‬
Yesâ€! ‬The best time to work on your marriage is during your relationshipâ€, ‬the best time to work on your relationship is before you’re in oneâ€. ‬Relationship coaching isn’t just for couplesâ€, ‬it’s for youâ€, ‬whether you’re in a romantic relationship or notâ€. ‬Whyâ€, ‬you askâ€? ‬First offâ€, ‬you need to get good at your relationship with YOUâ€. ‬Secondâ€, ‬you’re in many relationships all the time and you have something to learn from all of themâ€. ‬Your platonic relationships are the perfect place to start to practice and become a rockstar communicatorâ€.‬
What is Strategic Intervention†‬&†‬what does that mean for our coaching together�‬
Strategic Intervention extracts the most practical and effective forms of strategic action and communication from a variety of disciplinesâ€: ‬Ericksonian therapyâ€, ‬strategic family therapyâ€, ‬Human Needs Psychologyâ€, ‬organizational psychologyâ€, ‬neurolinguisticsâ€, ‬ the psychology of influenceâ€, ‬strategic studiesâ€, ‬traditions of diplomacy and negotiationâ€, ‬and othersâ€.
I became a Strategic Intervention coach because I wanted to learn from the best and be the best coach I could possibly beâ€. ‬For meâ€, ‬there was no other school that could give me the well-rounded educationâ€, ‬tools and supervised practice that I wantedâ€. ‬I had been a fan of Tony Robbins and what he stands for many years and soaked up every free online video and trainingâ€, ‬interview and bookâ€, ‬I could findâ€. ‬I studied with the founding teachers of the Strategic Intervention Instituteâ€, ‬Mark†‬&†‬Magali Peysha and continue to learn from themâ€. ‬
What are your professional qualifications�‬
I’m a Strategic Intervention Life Coachâ€, ‬Points of You®â€ ‬Certified Trainer and Ashtanga Yoga Teacherâ€. ‬
What languages do you speak� ‬
I’m loving thisâ€, ‬what should I do nextâ€?‬
That’s easyâ€! ‬Apply for a free discovery session hereâ€. ‬